Money Series: Part 48

By: Tarun Prakash Srivastava, Sr. Executive Editor-ICN Group

All the powers of the entire universe are determined to fulfill our every desire till we want to fulfill it at any cost, but as soon as our strength towards that desire ends; all the natural forces go back to themselves.

Believe me; you can be beaten by two things only – first is “you” and the other is “time.” The person who is pushing you towards success and pulling you back to the failure always lives with you, and he is none other than you alone. The person, who does not want to win himself, can never win through all the powers of the world, and the person who does not want to lose, will not even be defeated by all the powers of the world.

All the powers of the universe are slaves of your strong will. Take care; I have used the words “strong will” and not “will.” You may have many wishes, but they cannot be fulfilled till they become strong. The strength in any desire can come only when our feelings with our desire become united with our full power.

If we are willing to leave everything for a special purpose and you are ready to pay any price, then it is your strong desire, and together with you, the entire world will gather at the war level to turn your special desire to reality and eventually gives you a win. This is the most important thing as what is the value of our defeat and our victory for us. All the powers of the entire universe are determined to fulfill our every desire till we want to fulfill it at any cost, but as soon as our strength towards that desire ends; all the natural forces go back to themselves.

This same fact applies to time too. Time runs out. If we have to win the time, we will have to run faster than the fixed speed of time. I often say,

“The real meaning of success is simply how far ahead you are and your failure also only means how far you are behind the speed of time.”

I had read this thought of some scholar:

“One bad news is that the time flies, but there is good news that the control of the g plane of the flying time is in your hands.”

If you can control the time, the ‘Time Machine’ can reach you at your desired destination long before time, and if you lose control, then this time machine can also collapse you.

By now, you may have understood that “time” is the measuring lace of every success or failure of your ever ‘work done’ or performance. Therefore time to time, it is very important to keep yourself monitored and your method of your success, through the time.

Tarun Prakash Srivastava

The writer is the author of book ‘Science of Money’ available on in English at 

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